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Another tough week of classes has pushed my knee pretty hard, but i think there is some improvements….. I think its getting stronger.

This weekend has seen a pretty big change for me. This is something i should have already been doing but I am now eating fresh food. This morning I went to the local farm shop and organised my entire meals for the week. I often hear many people say they dont have time to eat healthy and its easier to grab things on the go. Really??? I have got all the meats, veg and fruit I need to feed me for the week. Plan your meals and plan your workouts around your work.

I, like many of you work full time. I work as a teacher and as with many jobs brings its own highs and lows. Every Sunday evening I will look at my week and see where I will be able to do certain workouts so i am not working certain muscle groups too much. This is something I have started to do as I have got older.

I think the main message is this, fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Yes this is taken from Bejamin Franklin but what a fantastic way to live your life. Prepare for everything!

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