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New York to LA

With a couple of pairs of trainers and a second-hand bike, I set out on my toughest challenge to date with a point to prove. To myself. I knew I had no business talking about goals, motivation and staying inspired if I couldn’t come back stronger and harder than ever before. So with that mindset, I arrived in New York ready to cross America in 32 days, consecutively running 50 miles one day and cycling 150 the next.

Coming from a small village in the Yorkshire Dales, it wasn’t just the scale of the challenge that was dramatic, but the landscape as I crossed through 14 states. From running through a gangland standoff in New York City, to a couple doing their weekly shop on lawnmowers and ending with my wedding in Las Vegas, every part of this 3,000 mile journey was epic.

There were tough times again on this challenge. There were bound to be. There were times every day when all I wanted to do was stop. But as always, it’s just as simple and at the same time as seemingly impossible as keeping going. With the small support team from school behind me, and the countless good wishes from people around the world, I raised more than £6,000 for Help for Heroes and completed the hardest and most difficult challenge of my life. All the challenges I set myself stem from wanting to show that there are no limitations, that any person no matter who they are or where they come from can achieve beyond expectation. America – home of the American dream – was the perfect backdrop for me to get back on the road again and prove it.

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